Receiving a dementia diagnosis is always devastating

Receiving a dementia diagnosis is always devastating

Consult with an Estate Planning attorney in Tuxedo Park, NY

According to the Alzheimer's Association, nearly 6 million people in the United States live with dementia. Many are of advanced age but hundreds of thousands who receive the diagnosis are under 65.

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with dementia, it is imperative that you take immediate legal action. The faster you get started, the better you can put plans in place that will provide you with composure and dignity in your progressing years.

Contact elder law attorney Dan Castricone In Tuxedo Park, NY for more information.

Understanding Capacity

Capacity is a legal concept that means a person has the comportment of make legal decisions for themselves. It includes how attentive they are, as their ability to manage information and think critically.

Immediately following a dementia diagnosis, many people still have the capacity to create an estate plan and other legal documents. Some do not. Dementia is a advancing disease, and the longer you delay, the more probable it is that person diagnosed will lose that capacity. As an experienced elder law attorney, I will evaluate each client's capacity before assisting them with legal issues. Discussing with you or your loved one whether we think there is capacity to execute the necessary legal documents is a conversation we will have in our first meeting.

Schedule a meeting with an Elder Law Attorney in Tuxedo Park, New York by calling 845-351-8777 right away.

Deciding on Long Term Care

Many people with the affliction of dementia receive care in their homes, at least originally. At some point however, moving into a nursing home or long-term care facility may become inevitable.

The best time to determine the care you or your loved one will receive is while there is capacity to make informed choices. We can discuss options with you and help with the search for an appropriate facility. We will also discuss how to pay for care. Dementia care is expensive. Some people with the disease live for years even though they cannot recognize anyone or take care of themselves. Without proper planning, a person could lose all their hard-earned assets to a nursing home that charges close to $150,000 a year. We can discuss how to qualify for government assistance and protect your assets simultaneously.

In this most difficult of times, with our help, you or your loved one can face the challenges ahead with dignity. Please contact Dan Castricone at Castricone Law to schedule your free Estate Planning consultation.